Tuesday, October 04, 2005

Upsetting news...

My mind is buzzing right now. A good friend of mine lost her father this morning. Out of respect for her family and their privacy, I will not go into details, but it was very upsetting.

I called my parents after I talked with her. I couldn't imagine losing either one of them, and my father does not have the safest job in the world. He's a volunteer fireman, in addition to owning a towing and repair shop in Manson. He's been in very sticky situations, been stuck in snow drifts in massive blizzards, goes, or used to go, into burning buildings with startling frequency, and even been hit by a semi (just got back into the tow truck and got sideswiped in a snowstorm).

We make it a point to get together regularly, because we do understand how quickly things can change, and that our time together is valuable. It's at times like this when I wish they lived in the same town, so I could go hug them, and tell them in person how much I love them. A voice on the phone is good, but being there would be better.

I am so incredibly lucky to still have them.

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