Wednesday, September 28, 2005

Blog Turns Personal

Okay, the whole "work blog" thing is so unbelievably boring that I decided to switch this over to a strictly personal blog. I will no longer bore people to death talking about Radmind, image building, Dreamweaver, or what new thing went wrong. This is a spot for me and the real people I know (or read). I may talk about family, and life, and you will still probably be bored out of your wits and move on to another blog.

That's okay, I've done that myself.

Seriously, though, I am tired of having a web presence that is pretty much completely anonymous and can't be shared with family and real friends. Those of you who may know me by my other name, please be considerate in keeping it private. Not everything I say on the other blog is meant for all readers (sorry Mom!). I will continue to post on the hidden blog, so as to not disappoint all 3 of my readers. Okay, maybe I have 5, or 6, if I can recall from comments. Most of you long time friends know my real name, and will have received an email telling you about this new blog. This should be pretty fun, and a bit of an experiment...

And I'm all about the fun :)

Okay, I'm off to pick out a movie to watch tonight. My son picked out Karate Kid II at the library, and it may be time to pop that in and sit back and relax... I used to have such a crush on Ralph Macchio... but then again, who didn't. :)

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