Monday, November 27, 2006

Ahhh!!!! Monday!!!!! Ahh!!!!!!!!!

I swear, today was so busy that it flashed by so fast that I barely felt the fact that I only had two hours of sleep.

Rather, two and a half.

I stayed up until midnight last night, hoping that I would be tired enough to go straight to sleep, and rest all night long.


Instead, I tossed and turned until nearly four, got up and went to the bathroom, then actually slept until the alarm went off at 6:30, right in the middle of this crazy dream I was having about work. Nightmare, actually.

When I got to work, it was apparent that the nightmare was real. The only times I sat down today were when I was emailing my boss summaries of the various things-that-went-wrong that I was working to fix, or if I was searching for a part online, or emailing my awesome lab monitors who are the reason I am going to be able to sleep tonight and the rest of the semester.

When I got home from work, I was going to take a quick nap before starting dinner. Instead, I emailed info to parents about our camp out, and then called my mom to see how she was doing. I just finished dinner, and realized that I had better post now, because when I get home later, I am going to fall into bed and not wake up until morning.

That's the plan, anyway.

This is one Monday that I am glad to see end.

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