Saturday, August 04, 2007

Never assume anything.

On the 25th, I bought 15 yards of white muslin at 40% off, to make at least one more shirt for my son, and another smock for myself. I bought extra, because I had a coupon, and I can always use white muslin (regular price is only $.99).

Well, apparently, the fact that I bought this muslin before eating lunch, when I was light-headed from hunger, led me to not check the width of the fabric carefully. I am used to muslin being at least 36 inches wide, which is just the right amount of fullness for my son's shirt.

I spent an hour ironing and straightening another length of white muslin that I had forgotten I had, which was purchased at the same time I made my last smock. Waste ot, want not, right? Well, I got out the shirt pattern pieces, and discovered that the shirt body piece is too large for the fabric!!!!!!

That fabric was 34 inches wide! I ran to my room to find the new 15 yards of muslin I bought most recently, and it too was only 34 inches wide. I bought the wrong width for the shirt!!!!


I am still going to use it all. My son's shirt just won't be as full. I am hoping that the shoulders will still be wide enough, and that he can wear this shirt for quite awhile. The fabric will be plenty wide enough for my smock, TG, or I would be screaming in frustration right now. I am not going to go buy more muslin as it would be wasteful.

Okay, back to work now that that is out of my system.

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