Sunday, December 17, 2006

Holiday Baking Extravaganza!

Yesterday ended up being a day where almost nothing got done. I did the grocery shopping. I wandered around the Antique Mall. I had a headache, went home, and went to sleep for a couple hours. I made dinner, and stayed up way too late watching Battlestar Galactica episodes, while crying my way through half a box of kleenex.

So, today I had to get my a$$ in gear, as it is one week until Christmas Eve. I did laundry until the laundry soap ran out. Then, I got to work on the holiday baking.

1. Spinach dip for lunch tomorrow
2. Beer bread for lunch tomorrow - will have to wait until after cookies
3. Almond bark pretzels (7 dozen, not nearly enough!)
4. peanut butter star cookies
5. sugar cookies
6. cut-out cookies with homemade frosting (if there is time)

My back already hurts, but I have a couple of movies that I am going to watch while I bake. And it will be worth it to have lots of treats to share, and to enjoy during my vacation. :)

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