Wednesday, December 06, 2006

Making Progress

We went Christmas shooping tonight, and got three names crossed off of our list. I looked for something for our gift exchange at my granny's, but didn't really see anything that jumped out and said, "Buy me!"

This gift exchange... well. Legendary in our family. Somehow I usually end up with the socks and extension cords, or the hot sauce. The last couple of years, though, I've ended up with something nice. The goal is to buy a present that you would like to receive. That way, if you end up with your own, as you sometimes do, you won't regret it.

This year, I thought I would buy another throw blanket, as the beautiful red one that I bought for this last year was a highly sought after object. The way the game works is that everyone draws a number. The person who has the number 1 picks a present from the pile and unwraps it. The next person can choose to take the gift from the person, or open another. The third person can take a gift from either of the first two people, or open a different package. And so on. It can be really fun, and drawn out. We try to not make it boring.

As for what I am buying this year...

Well, it has lime in it, is from Mexico, and may end up being the most sought after gift in the history of our tradition of the game.

Top that, suckas!!!!

Note: You may all be thinking that I drink entirely too much. The truth of the matter is, I rarely ever drink, unless I am with my family, and then limit myself to no more than two. Usually, one is enough to make me drowsy, and who wants to miss time with family?

1 comment:

dive said...

Good to hear you sounding so 'up'.

The gift exchange sounds a wonderful idea, one that I shall try to talk my family into for next year (I'm ashamed to say I've sorted shopping for this year … sorry).

Your gift this year sounds decidedly yummy, though I wouldn't mind the socks either.

And "The Mad Proofreader" says: "Christmas shooping" sounds fun; like something Pooh and Piglet might do …