Thursday, September 28, 2006

Hey, I jumped into the new Blogger Beta!!!!!

I have converted my template, and have played around a bit with the editing features. I did not change my template, mainly because I like this one, and didn't see anything really new. I like the archive organization, and the method for adding links to the sidebar is nice.

We'll see how this goes... so far so good!!!

I can even upload images directly!!!!


nerdrium said...

Holy cow. I just got to work and your RSS link in my Safari bookmarks bar had (24) after it. I thought "jeez, she must have had a lot to talk about yesterday!"

Oh, and the iMac is packed, sealed and will go to the post office *tomorrow*.

Enjoy your weekend and the wedding!


jennifer said...

Spiffy! When I get a comment notification, I actually ge the title of the post, and a link to it! Neat!

My son is going to be so excited about the iMac! Thanks!

The weekend will be great, if only I can get everything done that needs to be done...