Thursday, March 29, 2007

Nothing like the smell of fresh laundry...

and good news to make a girl in a good mood. :) I'm saving the good news until the end. ;)

I just finished washing, drying, folding, and putting away five loads of laundry. This included three of the four five fabric lengths that needed to be washed (i forgot one, which could have been washed with the darks. Darn.).

In the course of my closet purge of Tuesday night, i found a whole basket of clothing that I must have sorted, discovered I didn't have enough of anything to do a full load, then stowed in the closet for some reason, where they were covered by a stack of blankets that didn't get used this winter. In this basket I found two pairs of jeans I had forgotten about, along with a couple of other items that I had missed. Almost like Christmas!

Anyway, on to the good news...

Or maybe I should wait, because I don't know if this certain family member has talked with everyone she wanted to talk to, yet...

Okay, if you are family, and are reading this, and haven't talked to Nan yet, stop right there, and don't read any further because


She and her husband are expecting a new baby!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Okay, I blabbed, but i couldn't HELP it. Too happy! Babies!!!!!

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