Friday, March 02, 2007

Ripping out thousands of tiny stitches

It took about 45 minutes to rip out all of the stitches to remove the sleeves and side seams of my smock. I was very careful to mark what should be the right sleeve, and the right side of the smock, so that I don't make the same mistake twice.

And that is how I am ending my work day.

This week was incredibly stressful and chaotic. Between the weather, and events going on at work, I have never been so busy, and yet felt like I accomplished so little.

Every night, I have come home from work barely able to move. I have been up and down so many stairs, walked so many places, and moved lots of heavy stuff. Constantly aching legs and back.

For the rest of tonight, I am going to concentrate on things I enjoy. I am going to sew trim together. I am going to work on more pearl quadrilles for my bodice. I am going to watch funny movies. And as soon as 10 pm hits, I am going to sleep for a luxurious 10 hours. When I wake up, I'm making waffles for breakfast. I may even have ice cream with caramel on top of the waffles instead of syrup.

Sometimes the most simple things in life are the most appreciated.

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