Monday, October 23, 2006

The Latest Victim

My son's been fighting a cold for the last few days. When he called me after school today, he sounded awful. He had a headache and a sore throat. I told him to rest on the couch until I got home.


When I got home after work, I took his temp. Almost 100°F, and only adult tylenol in the house. He also said that he ached all over, which means... da da duh... it's probably the real flu.

You see, flu season started early this year. So early, in fact, that no flu vaccine clinics have been held. This may, in fact, have been what I had last week, and what I worked through (except for that one day when I couldn't take it anymore and stayed home to feel sorry for myself). So far, a co-worker and his wife are currently suffering from it, and my boss has as well.

So, if you think you may have the flu, but have discounted that theory because it's too early for it, think again.

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