Sunday, October 29, 2006

Weekend Pics

I took a lot of pictures this weekend, mainly because no one has been taking pictures of our campouts for awhile, and we are in need of new photos for our bulletin boards in the meeting hall. Here are a few of my favorites:

This is the cabin where we stayed this weekend. Lots of gorgeous trees...

Here is my son, taking his turn carrying the backpack:

Something interesting, under a tree:

A closer look:

Near the beginning of the trail:

1 comment:

dive said...

That's a cool looking cabin, but now I understand why you needed to wash it out of your hair.

Your son shows a healthy and admirable disrespect for authority, although I'm all for using children as pack animals.

And that last photo is beautiful. Very "Sleepy Hollow".

Thank's for posting some pics. It's nice to see your part of the world. I had no idea what Iowa looked like.
Considering you are a third of a planet away, it's reassuring to see that your countryside looks much the same as mine …