Wednesday, November 15, 2006

I can tell how my day is going to go

by the number of red lights I hit on the way to work.

This morning I hit every one.

My back started to hurt around 2:30, and it hasn't stopped. I ate my lunch huddled in the back storage room, reading Trainwrecks, because it helps put my life into perspective.

Things could actually be worse. I could be married to an alcoholic who beats me while telling me that he loves me. I could have five kids instead of one, and be the type of SAHM (stay at home mom) who makes my own feminine supplies, and breastfeeds her kids until they are seven (eeeewwwww). I could be the mommyblogger who flips out when someone tells her something that finally makes her face the facts that exploiting your kids for donations is wrong.

Instead, I am me.

My trainwrecks have more to do with uncooperative equipment at work. Things that have worked fine all semester, that suddenly decide to die in rather dramatic ways.

I could go on about all of that, but to tell you the truth, it is boring and frustrating. I ate my lunch sitting in the back room today. Not fun. I just hope it doesn't become a pattern. It's cold and uncomfortable back there, after all.

A couple of years ago, the only way I got through that "end of the sememster" was to watch A Christmas Story every single night. I may have to start doing that again...

1 comment:

Scott McLean said...

I like sci-fi, too. Take care.