Sunday, November 12, 2006

Sunday evening...

My son is doing his homework at the kitchen table. He is being very careful to make certain that he does ALL of it, and that it gets in the right folder, so he has it when he needs it tomorrow.

I am in my room, reading weird crap on the internets, and running to the bathroom every five minutes or so. In another 20 minutes or so, I will probably be down about 20 pounds. TMI, yes, I know. But such is life... I am not feeling all that particularly bad, so I am assuming this is from something I ate.

Gross thing that happened today at the grocery store: I picked up a jar of green olives, and while I was testing the top seal, I noticed it had MOLD inside of it!!!!! Yeeuuuucccckkkkk! I put it on the shelf at eye level, and carefully picked out another, non-moldy jar.

I hate going grocery shopping on a Sunday late afternoon. Lots of college kids, and people who have forgotten some crucial piece of the dinner puzzle. The only reason I was there that late was because I was on my way back from trying to rescue the lens to laser cutter 2 (looks like it is really messed up this time - black melted area in the center), and it took longer than I had expected.

At least it is cold enough out that the guys wearing violently sexist t-shirts now have them covered up. I have often wished for a camera phone, and their mothers' phone numbers... Not even funny guys...

In any case, Sunday was a boring follow-up to yesterday. But then, there is no easy way to top yesterday's news! Seven months until my next niece or nephew is born!!!

1 comment:

dive said...

Many congratulations, Auntie J.

… Not sure if I'd want to join your weight loss regime, however. Eww …