Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Election Day so far...

I voted over my lunch hour. I arrived at my polling place, and was greeted by a very nice lady who handed me my voter check-in form. I had to write in my name, address, date of birth, and sign it. I was directed to the appropriate line, where I was checked in by another sweet older lady, and then asked if I wanted the paper or electronic ballot.

Obviously, I chose paper. They only had one electronic voting machine, and four booth for paper ballots. I ended up having a wait about five or so minutes for an empty booth, even though I was the only one waiting. Finally, the very enthusiastic guy who shouts the name of the next person shouted mine (he had politely asked how it was pronounced).

I filled out my ballot very carefully. I finished, and popped over to the scantron machine, and fed my ballot into the machine. The count went up by one, so it was accepted. Yippee!!!

I always feel so productive when I vote!

Tonight, after parent-teacher conferences, I am going to curl up on the couch with popcorn, and something alcoholic, and watch our election coverage. I may watch FoxNews for a change, just to watch the anchors sweat.

Is it rigged? I dunno. I just want this country to get whipped back into shape by a responsible congress. There's a dang good chance the Dems are getting the majority in the House, and that's according to republicans, too (although the republicans are downplaying this by saying that it will be a weak victory - the dems will win by only 15-25 seats, according to them. Only.). It would be nice if we won the Senate also, but that's too close to call.

I think the years of keeping my Democratic party affiliations a secret from my family are starting to get to me. I want to just shout out "OMFG, Take back the Goverment!!!!"

BTW, HBO's Hacking the Vote ended up on YouTube. The footage from Ohio is heartbreaking. All of those determined citizens, of both parties, standing in the November rain for up to seven hours to exercise their right to vote. Mothers with their children, the elderly. One voting machine for 3000 registered voters... How many minutes in an hour, how many hours were they opened... 900 minutes. If they were opened for 15 hours, that's 900 minutes total opened. Simple math...

Eek! Gotta go! I'll add that link to the documentary when I get back.

If you are an American citizen - Vote!

1 comment:

dive said...

What a great twenty-four hours.

A big thank you from Britland for doing the right thing.
I'm embarrassingly happy today, even though Montana and Virginia are still to declare.
