Tuesday, March 07, 2006

The difference between the old Sudafed Severe cold formula and the PE version...

is that the new PE version doesn't work.

On me, anyway. With the old stuff, I could only take a half dose (one tablet instead of two) or I would feel like I was drugged. One worked good enough for me to at least be able to sleep. I took one tablet of the new stuff, and I don't feel better at all. I am glad that I did not take two, however, as I ended up having to go into work to check something out.

I have a good hour before I can take more.


nerdrium said...

It's them damn meth makers--they've ruined it for all of us.... :(

I hope your state doesn't have the moronic laws in place that ours does (that make it next to impossible for law-abiding citizens to purchase over-the-counter medicine, but probably do little to hinder "the bad guys...")


jennifer said...

Yep, the good stuff is behind the counter at the pharmacy. They have placeholders on the shelves, and you have to take the placeholder to the pharmacy so you can wait a billion years while they do the job they were hired to do (fill prescriptions, talk to people about their meds, etc.). What a bunch of baloney.

This PE stuff does not contain psuedoephedrine, so it can stay on the shelf. Wal-mart doesn't carry the old version of this anymore.

A couple years ago, I was behind this lady in the checkout line, again at wal-mart. She was antsy, overly friendly, not sick, and had two packages of sudafed (the red pills) and a package of gum. She paid cash, and the register monkey never even batted an eye.

nerdrium said...

Well, our local Dollar General doesn't even carry DayQuil or NyQuil any more because they just don't even want to mess with it (which stinks, because the generic stuff from DG is soo much cheaper than buying "real" *Quil. I'm sure all Meth production in the state came to a screeching halt the next day. Oh well....