Thursday, March 02, 2006

Not strep!

My son is on the couch, with a box of kleenex, a bag of Luden's throat drops, a blanket, watching a movie. He does not have strep throat (the quick test was negative, and the results of the culture will be in tomorrow). The doctor says there's a virus going around, and this year's is causing a pretty bad sore throat, so that's probably what he's got.

All I know is that when he blows his nose, it is the most disgusting thing I've ever heard in my life. And I'm old, so that's saying a lot...

He's coughing pretty rough, too. You can tell by his cough that his throat has to hurt quite a bit. There's a tight sound to the vocal chords.

Cough. Blow nose.

This is going to be a long day...

1 comment:

nerdrium said...

Good to hear that it isn't strep! I hope he feels better soon.
