Thursday, March 09, 2006

Not what you want to find less than 24 hours before your mother gets here...

SOMEone wiped boogers on my sofa cover! And it wasn't me, so it must have been the ONLY other person who lives here.


I ended up just stripping the stupid thing off of the ugly couch (which really isn't too bad, it just doesn't go with my decor or personality, for that matter). I've been wanting to get this gorgeous red sofa cover from Target for ages. This is my excuse to just go get it the next time it's on sale. Live in the NOW!!!

Some good came of it - this does mean that I now have the sofa bed aired out and ready to use for my parents this weekend.

I will be so glad when they get here, and I can relax. The apartment looks great (despite the very 90's couch), but I have been grinding my teeth when I sleep for about the last two weeks. I now have two very sensitive back teeth on my left side (top and bottom, very last molars). And I just went to the dentist on January 31, and had x-rays - no cavities. Just very sensitive to hot and cold. Ug.

Time for a bubble bath...

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