Saturday, March 04, 2006


The laundry is DONE!!!!
The refrigerator is cleaned out! I think it had been three weeks, rather than two.
I cleaned the bathroom mirror, and a quick clean of the bathroom.

My son is fed, although $10 says that the words, "i'm hungry," will come out of his mouth in less than 20 minutes.

I have not eaten lunch yet. I ate a dinner roll with butter (yes, real butter) when I woke up, and a dish of orange sherbet for breakfast. Why the odd food? Well, the dinner roll made my stomach feel like I had eaten a huge thanksgiving dinner by myself. But I still had a headache, which is usually my cue that my blood sugar is low. The only thing that sounded good was the orange sherbet. It was exactly what I needed. I lived on orange sherbet in the early days of my high blood pressure problem, before I learned what I could eat (almost nothing prepackaged).

I am currently waiting for some eggs to hard boil, so I can have a salad for lunch. I fully expect that I will not be eating lunch until very late, but I don't care. I'm not that hungry yet.

After lunch, I wanted to take a nap, but I am not certain that is going to happen now. I really want to get to the grocery store, so I can relax the rest of the afternoon, with all obligations fulfilled. I think I may lie down for a bit, or I won't have the energy to deal with the store and the multitude of people.

Well, the timer is about to go off on the eggs, so I had better get to them...

Update: Grocery shopping is done, and everything is put away. I am going to try to get some sleep now. I finally remembered why I hate going to the grocery store on weekend afternoons...

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