Sunday, December 18, 2005


I really need to go out and finish buying presents for my son. I just can't seem to summon up the enthusiasm to do so.

It is very cold outside, I am worn out from the last three weeks, and this is the very first Sunday I have had in over a month where we don't have to go do anything tonight.

I have put off going shopping by reorganizing my DVD collection, straightening up the VHS tapes, most of which are going into storage anyway, by eating lunch, taking a long bath, checking my email several times, and catching up on my blog reading. I'm sure that I could find a few more things that need to be done if I put my mind to it.

To put it bluntly, I am sick of the crowds. Sick of spending money. Sick of traffic, or at least the bad drivers who think that Grand has two turning lanes where it meets Lincoln Way (there is ONE, count it ONE, and you three dumb drivers nearly hit cars every time you used that middle southbound lane to turn left!).

I still don't know what to get for my son's last three gifts. There is this game he wants that I can't find, but would cost $50 anyway, so he's not getting it. I wanted to get him a lego Tie-fighter, but every place I have looked is out. No one has any old-fashioned dominos, the kind suitable for making domino chain reactions. I am going to get him a bunch of art supplies, as he loves to draw comic books.

Anyway, I am procrastinating again...

I am going to finish getting ready, make up the menus for the week, and the grocery list, fill up the car with gas, and just go.

That way I can enjoy a relaxing evening at home.

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