Saturday, April 29, 2006

A Day full of Possibilities

I have a full day to do whatever I want!

I slept in until about 8:30. Woo hoo!!!! I needed that.

On the list of things to do today:

1. Enjoy the rain,
2. Do laundry. Not just a little laundry, but get totally caught up, then dig into the summer clothes and get those ready, too.
3. Clean the bathroom and kitchen. I cleaned the living room Thursday night, and wonder of wonders, it's still clean.
4. Straighten up my room. Vacuum AFTER I finish sewing for the day.
5. Sew. Sew. Sew, sew, sew, sew.
6. Buy a coconut, drain the milk, and saw it in half. Anyone have any ideas of how to do this????
5. Make a real dinner. I am thinking chicken and pasta, which is simple, but good.

Geek Girl's Chicken and Pasta

4 chicken breasts
1 can cream of chicken soup
1 can cream of celery soup
three slices of onion, diced
1/4 tsp pepper
1/2 tsp paprika
1 tsp dill
3 cups penne pasta

Preheat oven to 425°F. Mix soup and 1 can of water using a whisk until blended. Add spices (crush the dill before you add it, to release the flavor) and onion. Mix well. You should be able to see the spices in the mixture. Place chicken breasts in a baking dish. Pour the soup mixture over the chicken. Cover with foil and bake for an hour (remove the foil about halfway through). Cook the penne pasta according to the instructions on the box. I use Barilla (I live in Ames, so duh!), and I cook it for 14 minutes rather than following the al dente instructions (I don't like crunchy noodles). Use deeper plates, put a serving of noodles, and a piece of chicken on the plate, and spoon sauce over both. Serve with green beans, and italian or french bread. If pressed for time, use pre-cut stir fry chicken from the supermarket. Cooking time will be less if you use thawed chicken rather than frozen.

So, now that you all know what we are having for supper tonight, you can either be grossed out, or try it yourself. It is a heavy dish, so is best when it is chilly or rainy out.

Okay, I have wasted enough time online... Time to pop into the shower, get ready for the day, and finish the work so I can play!

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