Wednesday, April 19, 2006

Just another day...

First clue that things might be a little off today...

1. I overslept.
2. I overslept and woke up with a headache, and a sore throat.
3. I overslept, and scrambled to get dressed and ready to go.
4. I got to work, and realized as I walked through the door that the awards brunch was this morning, and I was wearing jeans, tennis shoes, a bright green t-shirt, and my black sweatshirt. Great.
5. My boss and I then had to figure out why, with 6 circuits to our main lab room, something like eight outlets were on the same circuit, preventing us from using both of our laser cutters at once. At this point, I was glad I hadn't worn a skirt, as I had to crawl under the new cutter to move some plugs...
6. Brunch was good!
7. I still had my headache at 11 am...
8. Lunch hour was spent searching for tonight's movies, and a specific type of cable that apparantly only one store in Ames carries...
9. Actual eating of lunch took place partly in the car, and was finished at my desk.
10. Foggy afternoon. I had forgotten to pick up more tylenol at Target.
11. I changed out the charcoal in the laser cutter filter. Yuck. Yuck. Yuck. Luckily, I had a lab monitor help me - he lifted the new nearly 100 KG bag of charcoal while I cut open the bottom and guided the loose charcoal into the filter. I am so glad that the filter on the new laser cutter uses self-contained pieces. No mess!
12. Quick dinner at home.
13. DASH!!!!!!!!
14. King Kong was a great choice!
15. I made about twelve batches of popcorn!
16. One load of laundry is now washed and in the dryer! (all I had the strength to do tonight...)
17. I actually managed a blog post today!!!!

I wonder what tomorrow will bring...

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