Sunday, April 16, 2006


Last night, my son and I watched Hidalgo with my dad. We all enjoyed the movie quite a bit, but the best part was hearing my dad talk about this horse that he used to have when he was a kid.

The horse's name was Star, as he had a white star on his forehead, one white foot, and was tan with a black mane and tail. He was part mustang, and some other fancy type of horse (dad could not remember).

He talked about how fast this horse was, and how he'd just go for miles and miles, after other horses would fall behind. He just loved the movie, because it brought back all of his memories about Star, and how much fun he had with him.

After dad had Star for about three years, his dad ended up selling him to one of his cousins. This cousin went to a lot of horse shows with Star, and won a bunch of prizes. They sold him that horse for $150, and the cousin was later offered more than ten times that by some horse guy down in Texas.

It never fails to amaze me... the new things I learn about my dad. I did not know my dad even knew how to ride a horse, let alone that he used to have one, and trained it. Just amazing.

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