Sunday, April 09, 2006

Ug. Roasting.

I woke up about an hour ago, because I was overly warm. There was no real reason to be overly warm, because I was just using a sheet and a thin quilt, and normal pyjamas.

No, I don't have a fever.

I do still have a bit of a headache. (but that's from getting my ear talked off by my son about the big star craft battle last night).

Whenever he does that, I just think ahead to a time when he probably won't talk to me about anything. Like next year. When he's a teenager...

Yeah, but back to the roasting thing...

I had to go to the grocery store, and it is GORGEOUS out! Bright blue sky, just a tiny hint of a chill in the air... The river in Boone county is supposed to flood a bit, or we'd go out to Ledges this afternoon and go hiking. It's that kind of day.

Instead, I am going to eat breakfast, sit and read for a bit, then clean off my deck (Friday was too cold and windy).

I really finally feel that spring is here!

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