Saturday, April 22, 2006

A good VEISHEA, except for three things...

1. Not finding this guy in the crowd,
2. Forgetting the sunscreen, (ad also forgetting that you no longer use the good moisturizer with 15 spf, and due to your cold, the makeup that would normally make up for that has been wiped away. Great.)
3. Blithly telling my sister that yes, she could pick us up so I could show her where to park, then she was late, then having her leave us when she took my nephew home, so we could get food on central campus, then trying to catch the bus home with a twelve year old who had about two hours of sleep.


I'm going to sleep now. I am disappointed, but it's my fault for being late, and not coordinating better. I'm such an idiot.

However, we did get sweet corn. :)

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