Sunday, January 22, 2006

Back to our regularly scheduled program

Some of you are probably wondering how the eye appointment went yesterday.

Turns out my son is very nearsighted. "You have your mom to thank for that," said the assistant. I told the doctor how guilty I felt to not have noticed before. I thought that he might have been slightly nearsighted, but I did not know how bad it was. Why didn't I notice?

The doctor said that often kids don't tell their parents when they are having problems seeing. The process is so gradual most of the time that they honestly don't know anything is wrong until it is pointed out to them, or they see it for themselves while the doctor is testing lens strengths.

So, next Saturday, his glasses should be back from the lab. He actually can't wait to be able to see that well again, and has said so multiple times since yesterday afternoon.

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