Wednesday, January 11, 2006

Funny things that happen with kids

Monday, my son apparently misunderstood what I told him he could have for a snack after school. Instead of "carrots and celery," he heard, "chips and salsa." So why did I panic when I saw the plate with salsa leftovers on it?

Because to my knowledge we had finished off the salsa the night before.

Yes, he found a pre-New Year's jar of salsa in the refrigerator, and ate some of it. In fact, I don't really know when that jar was opened. You are supposed to use it within a week.

I had a total of maybe two things in the refrigerator that should not have been eaten, and that was one.

Obviously, he survived, although I hoped he'd a least have a bit of a stomach ache, so it would stick in his brain to not eat things from the 'frige that Mom did not expressly mention as snack possibilities. He could not see what the fuss was about.

My sister and her family got back from Florida late Monday night, so I went over tonight to return the key and bring over this rocking chair of mine that I got when I was a year old, for my nephew to use. We looked at pictures of the trip, after my nephew showed me the stuff that he got, and after my sister gave me this beautiful charm bracelet that they bought me in Disney World.

We tried to give him his bedtime bottle, but he was bouncing off of the walls. So, my sister declared, "bedtime," and I carried him upstairs to help her tuck him into bed. Just as we got up to his room, he put his head on my shoulder and snuggled up, and didn't want to go to his mom. Then, I handed him over, and she had him in bed, tucked in, crib rail up, music on, and by the time we got back downstairs, he was asleep.

I just looked in at my own stinker. It is amazing how fast they grow. From chewing on a stuffed animal (my nephew was ripping Nemo's fur off with his TEETH), to eating expired salsa and anything else that isn't locked down...

I can't wait to see what the next twelve years hold :)

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