Monday, January 02, 2006

Weirdest commercial ever heard in Wal-Mart

There I am, in the fabric section of Wal-Mart, trying desperately to match a fabric color, when what do my wondering ears hear, but a commercial for a therapist. A therapist, I might add, whose spiel sounds suspiciously like Scientology.

I just kept listening, wondering when they'd get to the part about past-lives, personality tests, and Xenu, but I was sorely disappointed. They did emphasize, quite clearly, about problems in your childhood holding you back from success and happiness, and how the doc can help you get past these problems with his exciting methods that will bring wholeness and clarity to your life, in a drug-free manner.

I feel sorry for anyone who would go to this "doctor" because they probably will not get the help they need.

What does it say about Wal-Mart customers, that this doctor believes advertising over the canned music will produce results?

(I'll have you know that I am a staunch TARGET shopper, and only go to Wal-Mart for the craft section and the cheap diet pepsi...)

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