Friday, January 20, 2006

I never did mind abut the little things...

Today was a very busy, exhausting day. So far this semester, every single day has been like this, so I should probably just resign myself to the fact that I will always have five things to do at once.

That's okay, as long as I am aware that it will be like this, I can attempt to come up with a coping mechanism.

Right now, whenever I feel stressed, I close my eyes, take a deep breath, and try to remember a particularly good time from the past. Usually, I think of summer, and being outdoors, or swimming in cold water during a hot afternoon. Quiet, calm, fun... and when I open my eyes, suddenly whatever was bothering me seems to not be quite so bad anymore.

It seems to be working so far. I am not nearly as edgy and stressed out today as I was last Friday. I can put two thoughts together without sounding insane, which is always good, and I even managed to get a good start on the housework so that I can play tomorrow without feeling guilty.

Whatever gets you through the day...

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