Monday, January 30, 2006

Thank goodness...

No, the glasses have not arrived yet, but we had good news on another front this afternoon. Good being relative, understand?

Due to a rash of ear infections when my son was weathering his first and second winters, he had to have tubes put in his ears. Several years later, the tubes partially fell out, which I did not know until he woke up one morning with blood pooled and coming out of both ears. Boy was that fun.

So, he had to have the tubes removed, and the goop cleared out. Six months later, the right ear eardrum had healed completely. The left still had a hole that was fairly significant. The doc said we'd have to look at it later, once my son stopped growing, to see if we could fix it. Each and every year since he's been in school, we get the lovely letter at screening time telling me what we already knew: he had slightly, very slightly impaired hearing in the left ear.

At his physical, his doctor suggested that we have his ear reevaluated to see if anything had changed. I immediately went into doom-and-gloom mode, as we had already spent a ton of money this month, to the point where I am experiencing heart palpitations every time I see my bank balance.

Well, guess what... The hole in his left eardrum is GONE!!!!!!!! It healed itself!!!!!!!!

Unfortunately, he still has a bit of hearing loss in the left ear, but it is due to scarring of the tiny bones inside the ear, rather than of the eardrum. IF he chooses, he can have this fixed WHEN HE IS AN ADULT, but the hearing loss is not significant enough to risk doing surgery at this time. He could end up with even worse hearing, even if the surgery goes perfectly well.

So.... good news that the hole is GONE!!!! Bad news that he still has hearing loss.

Now if only those glasses would come in...

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