Tuesday, January 17, 2006

So, who wants to take bets on what injuries I will suffer this weekend?

Seriously. The more I think about getting on skis, the more I think about what my insurance deductible is, and how hard it would be to work and keep control on the house with a broken (insert body part of your choice).

I am CRAZY to try to do this at 33. CRAZY. The only thing that keeps me from doing an about face is wondering who else will show up and be CRAZY with me. I can laugh at myself, but it's more fun when others are laughing with you instead of putting you down for your lack of MAD SKI Skilz....

I can tell you right now that the only words coming out of my mouth as I slip down the bunny slope are going to be, "Oh my God, oh my GOD," and a various assortment of profanities that would make my sisters proud of me...

That will be grade-A entertainment...

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