Tuesday, July 18, 2006


Progress on the doublet was good tonight. I swear this is the hardest piece I've ever sewn, and my fingers ache tonight. All that is left is to fit the doublet, mark where the buttons have to go to make sure it closes, and to figure out how many and what size tabs to sew on the bottom. Then, of course, sew the tabs to the shell, and hand sew the bottom of the lining to the shell.

This is really plain, and I'd take pictures of it except for one small fact. It is all black, and it is a material that swallows up the light. It is really tough to sew on, and I will never sew on it again. It has a nice weight, but there is stretch to it, and it is weird.

Next one will be a Margo, and it will be black linen or lightweight wool. And I have this idea for quilting down the front...

Anyway, since I can progress no further without the person who is going to wear it actually trying it on, I am going to treat myself to a podcast tonight. As in, I am going to finish episode three, and hopefully have it posted before I go to sleep tonight.


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