Monday, July 17, 2006

Picking up the pieces...

Or rather, putting them back together.

I finally have one of the armholes done the right way. It's basted together, waiting for the sewing machine tomorrow. Of course, I still have one more to go, and since the person who needs to wear this has not yet had a fitting, this could be interesting...

Overall, this project is about a 8 on the difficulty scale. It should have been easy, but I made changes to the pattern, added things, finished things differently. On the whole that meant that I pretty much couldn't use the instruction set that came with the base pattern. That is the reason for the huge screw up of yesterday evening. The screw up that, in 30 minutes, set me back probably 7 hours. All because I assumed something would be simpler than it actually was. And it was a mistake that I had made before, and only realized after the damage was done. Dumb, dumb, dumb... I blame it on the diet coke rather than diet pepsi. ;)

In any case, by tomorrow night, 7:00 pm, I'll be back where I was on Sunday evening, before I did something illogical and stupid.

BTW, of all colors to work with, black is the worst - the stitches are so hard to see... I can't seem to get enough light to work with...

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