Tuesday, August 08, 2006


I arrived at the scout room at 5:45 last night. I forgot to put money in the parking meter, since it was much earlier than we normally have to arrive. After 6:00 in the evenings, parking is free.

This morning I discovered, tuccked gently beneathe the wipers of my car, a rain moistened PARKING TICKET, with a time stamp of 5:53 pm.

Thank you. I was there 8 minutes when I got that ticket. I will be dropping off my $3 later today. I know I was wrong, and I am contrite, guilty, absolutely distraught with grief that I parked for fifteen minutes without paying. I had a lot on my mind, and I am sure you have a quota to fill...

1 comment:

nerdrium said...

Well I guess you at least know that the parking people aren't cutting out early. Or something.
