Friday, August 04, 2006

Having fun!

I am cutting out the pattern pieces I need for my gown, in preparation for tracing the pieces, and getting ready to cut out at least the forepart, sleeves, and shoulder loops tonight (maybe). It is taking FOREVER, because of the sheer size of the ladies wardrobe pattern. Tons of pieces and variations and sizes...

My back hurts, I am so sleepy.

I have clothes in the dryer, and another load waiting to dry (someone put powedered laundry soap in the lint filter of one of the dryers!). One load in the dryer is my beautiful red corduroy, so I am anxious to be done.

In any case, I have put a limit on my activities tonight. I am going to go to sleep at 10 instead of 12:30. I want to be well-rested before tomorrow. I could probably go to sleep right now and sleep through until morning.

As far as the doublet, I just need to sewn the looped trim around the top of the tabs, and quilt the front. The rest is done. I can't wait for it all to be done, although there are some areas I'd like to neaten up a bit, that can happen during small bits of time, as a break from the main project. I need to cover the back edges of the button loops, so that they don't show, and I have to remove the threads that I used to tack down the beads. I did not keep track of how many hours I spent on this doublet, but I know that I probably have more work into it, hand sewing-wise, than I will on my own gown.

Maybe. I guess I should wait until I get the gown most of the way finished before I say that... After all, I have lots of pearls to attach. :)

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