Saturday, August 19, 2006

My careful organization has turned into something other.

I keep having to run back to my room to try to locate essential sewing stuff. I normally sew in my room, but the scope of this project, and the fact that there is not nearly enough light in my room, pretty much made that not possible.

I am sewing on the dining room table.

Normally, I like the dining room table totally clear, except for the napkin basket or flowers (haven't bought any for way too long). It is clear right now only because I had to cut out the three panels for my overskirt (yay!). I need to take a few minutes and try to make some sense of everything that is currently on my countertops in the kitchen, if only so that I know where things are so I can grab them immediately.

So, with seam guage in hand, I will go back to the dining room and escape the temptations of my computer. I have until next Saturday evening to finish pretty much everything.

Yes, that is panic in my voice.

Okay, bye.

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