Wednesday, August 02, 2006

Panic Mode

I can't seem to find the right fabric for the dress I want to make! I am anxious to get started on it, for several reasons. I am beginning to think that I need to make a trip to Des Moines to pick out fabric. I did find fabric for a forepart and sleeves, but haven't made a final decision yet.

I know it will all come together, but I want this dress well underway before the end of this weekend.

The doublet is going well. I am pinning trim around the tabs, so I can baste it into place. It will make it easier to sew the trim to the doublet. I have the trim and the quilting on the left side to do yet, and then this will be done. My goal is to finish before the end of tomorrow. Tall order, yes, but I have a bunch of movies to watch while I work, and the sooner I get done with this, the sooner I can start on my dress.

Well, back to work!

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