Wednesday, August 09, 2006


I traced out the pattern alterations for the bodice to my gown. I cut out a mock up, and will sew it together, and see if it fits. I would do it tonight, but I am way too tired to be operating a sewing machine.

I have decided that as of Sunday, I will be weaning myself off of caffeine. I have to drink more water, period. I think my headaches may be partially related to dehydration.

I talked with my dad tonight, on the phone. He and mom are going to attend one of the days of the Des Moines Renaissance Faire, to see us in action! Very cool! He asked, "If I bring you a turkey leg, would you eat it?" Heck yes, but probably not a lot of it, as I will be corseted, hot, and probably not that hungry. But my son would finish it off in a second. I'll have to say "No" to the Big Mac, though, Dad... I hope they enjoy it! I know I will!

Anyway, I am going to go pop in a movie and attempt to sew pearls to at least one of my remaining sleeve panels. I really want to start on my hat, but that will have to wait until I know I have enough velvet (I don't think I do). I think an early bedtime would be a good idea tonight...

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