Thursday, August 31, 2006

I promise this is the last update tonight...

I have nearly all of the shoulder tabs pearled! I sewed one, 8mm pearl to the top of each tab, close to the edge. Looks great!

Isn't it amazing how having the correct tools saves so much time and effort? The beading needle that I bought is both thin enough and flexible enough to really make this go very fast. I anticipate, now that I have a technique worked out, that it should take only about 2-3 minuted to sew each pearl. I have five left on one shoulder (7 tabs, each soulder), and a total of 33 left on the sleeves (yes, I actually cut down, and am only pearling the outer panel of each sleeve).

I am still trying to plan my back-up dress. Technically, since my dress is corduroy, I should be able to wash it in the washing machine. From a practical stand-point, however, the trims may not make it. The pearls should be okay, as long as I don't dry them in the dryer (which I wouldn't do anyway, because this is cotton corduroy, and shrinkage would be bad.).

Okay, time to...

go to sleep!!!!

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