Sunday, August 06, 2006

Forepart done!

It will be hemmed when the skirts are hemmed, when everything is tried on over the farthingale and underskirt. They need to be about 2-3 inches off of the ground, so that they don't drag.

It turned out beautifully! I lined it in a plain black broadcloth, so that the back of the brocade doesn't catch on anything and unravel. Another option would have been to line it with another brocade, making it reversible. I can do this later if I get tired of always having to wear the same thing.

I have lunch in the oven, and will start the sleeves after we've eaten and cleaned up. I think I can get the sleeves mostly done today, if I work hard. I may also be able to get a good start on my hat.

I am going to have to try to get a day off of work sometime in the next couple of weeks. I can get so much done in a day!

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