Monday, August 28, 2006

Okay, folks. Need some prayers here.

My grandma Pelz was just transferred by ambulance from Lake City Hospital to Fort Dodge. She had suffered a drug interaction that pretty much left her with no clotting factor in her blood. This is what they found out after running a bunch of tests today.

She didn't qualify to be life-flighted from Lake City to Des Moines, so they are taking her to Fort Dodge because it's the closest facility with a blood specialist. He'll decide if they bump her up to qualifying status for life-flight to Des Moines. My mom was in the process of driving from Lake City to Fort Dodge when she called me. She'll call with more information tonight. Until then, I have to sit tight, and continue with what I am doing.

So please, if you are praying people, say a prayer for her now. If you are not normally a praying person, just send good karma her way.

I'll keep you posted.

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